Compo Sana


Compo Sana. Balcony Potted plants. COMPO Universal Longterm fertilizer.

Compo Sana Hortensias Y Azaleas 20 L 56x32x8 Cm Amazon Es Jardin Hortensias Camelias Abono
Compo Sana Hortensias Y Azaleas 20 L 56x32x8 Cm Amazon Es Jardin Hortensias Camelias Abono

Its special combination of root activator AGROSIL quality peat and PERLITE volcanic stones forms a favorable basis for the healthy growth of all kinds of plants. You can use it for agricultural production as substrate seedlings or bring soil to the growth of trees and horticultural crops. COMPO Liquid Fertilizer for Balcony Plants.

We have several types depending on what you want to grow and where you are growing it.

Whether with two left hands or a green thumb - getting more green quality of life together. Vsebuje perlit dodatek vulkanskega izvora v obliki zračnih žepkov ki skrbi za. Whether with two left hands or a green thumb - getting more green quality of life together. COMPO Gnojilo za trato z dolgotrajnim delovanjem.